Brooke French Brooke French

5 Simple Ways to Beat Exhaustion

For years, I have wanted to start a garden. Also for years, other things have stepped in more important and my little dream for a small garden had not taken off.

UNTIL this year, baby!

I went to Lowe’s and bought two tomato plants, two pots, and some organic garden fertilizer. I mean life is busy, so this was the best I had to offer. We all got to start somewhere- right?! I placed those babies in the pots and watered them faithfully.

I even posted my burgeoning plant on social media. My mom commented and told me I needed to get a cage to put around the plant. I wanted to get one, but I put it off. Then my parents came over and casually suggested it again. And again, I said I would. By now, I had three blossoming tomatoes coming out. I was so pumped. But I didn’t go get the cage.

On Mother’s Day, as I was reading a book in our back yard and I heard “snap”. The whipping winds in my backyard had snapped my precious tomato plant in half. 

You know why? Because it had no support. You are supposed to put a cage or stake around the tomato plant as it grows. Not only does the cage support the heavy limbs, it helps it grow stronger and more fruitful.

And the Lord said to me, this is not a coincidence that this happened on Mother’s day. My heart needed the reminder that we need support to grow, strengthen and flourish.

We, like the tomato plant, grow and more things get added into our lives. New school activities, new work ideas, changing of schedules, new puppies in your home (bless it), and much, much, more. This can lead to exhaustion. The wind had been blowing my tomato plant all day long. Finally, when it couldn’t take the pressure any more it snapped. Ever been there? Yeah, me too. Honestly, I have been there a lot as of late.

Also like the tomato plant, we can’t support all that extra weight on our own. Support in our lives helps us carry the load, but it also helps us grow stronger and be more productive.

Here are 5 supportive ways to beat exhaustion (and prevent snapping)

  1. Good conversations with friends. You know, the good conversations that involve laughter and insight. A good laugh with a girlfriend is worth its weight in gold.

  2. Let other people in to help out. I admit it, I can get in martyr mode. It sounds like this, “No I got it, I don’t mind, I can do it”… Otherwise known as resentment & bitterness

  3. Pour it out with God. I know journaling is so therapeutic for me. It is a safe place for me to get my feelings out and process my thoughts. Maybe, you need to just shut the bathroom door and cry it out (I do that one too). Usually the Lord reveals things to me through the pouring out. He wants us to come to Him with all our concerns.

  4. Put the freaking phone down. Comparison is a sneaky sucker. The amount of information coming in is not good for our brains. Comparison and information overload lead to exhaustion. I was admittedly scrolling more. I know when I am escaping to my phone, its time to put it down more.

  5. Playing worship music & diffusing essential oils. We tend to forget we have other senses that bring us pleasure. I love good, clean smells. With my essential oils, I can diffuse oils to help combat my mood. I also love worship music because it changes my mindset. Good songs remind me of who I am in Christ and what God says about me. 

I hope you can add one of these supportive ways to your day. We all need help lighting our load.

Love, B


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