Simplify Homeschool Toolkit


It's back to school time! Usually that time is met with excitement, apprehension and big changes. And this back to school season is met with all of those things, but let's add in a big ‘ol dose of global pandemic mania.

This means we have all had to consider homeschool to some extent as a new normal. Whether you are homeschooling 100%, virtual schooling, hybrid, distance learning or full time in a school building, this school season undoubtedly looks and feels different.

More responsibility is being placed on families to do...well it all. (Insert super anxious thoughts) This means if the adults in our homes work full time, then where and how do the kiddos do school and actually learn anything or sit still or behave or let’s see… survive!

As I personally have had 5000 questions about how this all going to go down in this back to school season, I have had to constantly remind myself who is in charge (News Flash- it's not me!). Honestly, I like to think I am, but I am not. I have recently spent some time asking God what He wants from me this season. At times like this, I can feel very unqualified and overwhelmed. God has continuously reminded me to surrender it all to Him and to take it one day at a time. 

I wanted us to feel empowered and equipped this season with some new tools. That is why I created the Simplify Homeschool Toolkit. I know all these changes can feel overwhelming as we start a new season. This simplified toolkit gives 20 easy tips for schooling at home, plus bonus materials for socialization for age groups and encouragement for momma too.

I would love for you to have this toolkit as a free back to school gift and share it with a friend.

Please know we are walking this road together and I believe in you! If you need help decreasing the back to school anxiety, click here.

Love, B


How to Change Your Mindset in an Overwhelmed Season


5 Tips to Decrease School Anxiety