When it feels like God is not there

Do you ever feel like you get so distracted that you miss the gifts right in front of you? I know I do. Last week, I had a couple minutes to spare so I zipped myself down to the beach. Early in the morning before the crowds come out, I love to walk along the beach to clear my head.

In the winter months, I don’t see the ocean as much. Maybe it’s the wind chill, the busyness of schedules, the endless demands on our time, or maybe it’s the thought of making extra time to get down there feels pointless in a sea of time demands, either way I don’t see the ocean as much in the winter. 

Last week, when I made the time to get down to the beach, the Lord tenderly reminded me just as the ocean was still there even though I had not seen it or felt it…

so was He.

Life can sometimes show us so much suffering. Do you feel it? There are nasty, negative commercials about politics on our TVs and radio, loved ones are hearing hard diagnoses, our kids are being plummeted with faster, better, more in all facets of development, cancer seems more rampant than ever, job loss, brutality and we wonder where is God in all of this.

Or maybe it’s just me, I tend to look up to God and say, “Are you serious right now?”

But just as the ocean was still there, even though I hadn’t seen it or felt it lately, so is God.

He sees every medical office with every hard conversation. He sees every classroom where kids are hurting, scared and overwhelmed. He sees every painful conversation, every rejection, every scary situation. He sees the future. He knows what is to come in everything.

I don’t know who needed this reminder today, but He’s still here. He hasn’t left us in the darkness. He is still adoring us and cherishing our loved ones.

Something about the vastness of the ocean reminds me of the Lord’s power, strength and sovereignty. I am reminded that He’s got it all under control. If He can cover this large body of water that stretches over the whole earth daily and control its tides, then I think He’s got me and you sister.

Love, B



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