When Things Don’t Go According to Plan

Have you ever had one of those days when you are feeling it? You know what I am talking about. The to-do list is dwindling down by the minute because you are checking things off. The laundry is in, emails are being controlled, kids are pleasant and it's smooth sailing.

This is when I start to think I might have figured out the secret. How to do it all and still be nice!

I am a champion, hear me roar!

Too far? I know… just ignore me.

 Any who, I was having one of those days a little while ago and wow I was so proud of myself. Mentally I was taking notes so I could feel like this every day. “Yep, this is it. This is how you do it”

But then, basically right before dinner time, the walls of my treacherous fort of order, agenda and perfection came crashing down. My husband decided to start a massive project in the middle of the living area, the kids were hungry and (I am sure you couldn’t see the writing on the wall), I was tired. All my doing, rushing, accomplishing had left me tired.

To top it all off, why wasn’t everyone complying to my plans to relax in the evening. To chill and have a nice quiet night at home. I mean this was it. The rest of the week brings activities for the kiddos every.single.night. Basketball, dance, church, birthday parties… I mean this is not news to you all. This is just life. And a good life at that. Blessings really if I am honest!

So, I begrudgingly helped my husband with the project. We ate dinner. The kids were crazy as always. (I mean why do they get some weird second wind as we approach bedtime) Needless to say at bedtime, I had no words left. My mind and body had no capacity left to give. This happens a lot, just being honest here. So, off to bed we all went.

The next morning in my quiet time with the Lord, I was reflecting on what had went wrong the night before. I mean things were going so well. Am I that rigid? Am I that screwed up? Well, yes is the answer to both of those.

But the Lord started to show me other perspectives. My husband was thinking this was the only night to get this project put together and he thought it would make me happy, as it was something I wanted. And the kids were just being kids after a long day of school and practice. The problem was me and my agenda.

Sometimes, I get so focused on my plans, my ideas and my itinerary that I miss others. As the Lord revealed that to me, I was like “Do I do that to you Lord?” …. Umm yeah

But here’s the rub, we all do. We all have ideas, plans and ways we think God should deliver or act. We have ideas of how He should perform here and here. How He needs to do X, Y, Z in our lives. And He needs to fix ____ while He’s at it. I am guilty of telling God my plans and asking him to bless them. Geez…

News Flash: He doesn’t work that way. He loves me and you too much to bless our measly idea of the future plans.

He is an all knowing, powerful God. If I slow down long enough to be honest with myself, I want an all-knowing God that can see the future to make my plans, not me. I also know there are things that I need to learn, humbly learn to be a better mom, wife and child of God. And I can’t learn them if it's my way or the highway all the time.

Humility and surrender are not learned or practiced when everything is happening perfectly in the kingdom of ourselves.

That morning I was thankful for a merciful God that sees me rushing around, head held high, thinking I was all good on my own, and still loves me the same. I was quickly reminded that I am a child of God, not a god. Bless my heart, I get so off base easily.

So, today let us humbly seek what God has in store for us. May we listen to His promptings to slow down, notice others in our lives and consider other perspectives. It just might change our lives and someone else’s.

For the record, I apologized to my husband and kiddos for being a rude jerk the night before. I needed too.

Love, B


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